Jeden Tag rusks were given an overall rating of "good"

Product Tests |

ÖKO-Test bought and tested 22 packs of rusks – Jeden Tag rusks were given an overall rating of "good".


We have provided a detailed list of the test results here:

Zentrale Handelsgesellschaft


Price per 200 grams
0.97 euro


Addition of sweetening ingredients/salt
Sugar, invert sugar syrup, sweet whey powder / yes


Sugar / fibre content per 100 grams
13 g / 3.5 g


Pesticide exposure
1 pesticide in traces


Other questionable and/or controversial ingredients


Ingredients test result


Other issues

Other issues test result


Overall rating


You can access the complete test from ÖKO-Test here:
test results



For better readability, only the masculine form is used on the website. This form is explicitly understood to be gender-neutral.