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Product Tests

Jeden Tag white flour type 405 was given an overall rating of "good"

ÖKO-Test bought and tested 30 packs of white flour type 405 – Jeden Tag white flour type 405 was given an overall rating of "good".


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Product Tests

Jeden Tag sultanas were given an overall rating of "good"

ÖKO-Test bought and tested 24 packs of raisins – Jeden Tag sultanas were given an overall rating of "good".


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Product Tests

Jeden Tag naturally cloudy apple juice was given an overall rating of "good"

ÖKO-Test bought and tested 32 packs of naturally cloudy apple juice – Jeden Tag naturally cloudy apple juice was given an overall rating of "good".

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Product Tests

Jeden Tag normal tampons were given an overall rating of "very good"

ÖKO-Test bought and tested 23 packs of "normal" sized tampons – Jeden Tag normal tampons were given an overall rating of "very good".


Product Tests

Jeden Tag rusks were given an overall rating of "good"

ÖKO-Test bought and tested 22 packs of rusks – Jeden Tag rusks were given an overall rating of "good".


Product Tests

Jeden Tag cornflakes were given an overall rating of "satisfactory"

ÖKO-Test bought and tested 48 boxes of cornflakes – Jeden Tag cornflakes were given an overall rating of "satisfactory".


Markant #runs! at the Freiburg Marathon

Employees of the Markant Group achieved 472 impressive kilometres in the Freiburg Marathon.

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Product Tests

Jeden Tag gherkins selection was awarded an overall rating of "good"

ÖKO-Test purchased and tested 24 jars of gherkins – Jeden Tag gherkins selection was awarded an overall rating of "good".


Product Tests

Jeden Tag spaghetti was given an overall rating of "good"

ÖKO-Test bought and tested 37 packs of spaghetti – Jeden Tag spaghetti was given an overall rating of "good".


Product Tests

Jeden Tag organic spaghetti was given an overall rating of "satisfactory"

ÖKO-Test bought and tested 37 packs of spaghetti – Jeden Tag organic spaghetti was given an overall rating of "satisfactory".


Product Tests

Jeden Tag frozen french fries received an overall ranking of "very good"

ÖKO-Test bought and tested 20 bags of frozen french fries – Jeden Tag frozen french fries received an overall ranking of "very good".


Product Tests

Jeden Tag hygiene liners were given the overall rating "very good"

ÖKO-Test bought and tested 19 packs of hygiene liners – Jeden Tag hygiene liners

were given the overall rating "very good".




| DE Offenburg

Prominent hat-trick

Top performances by DHBW graduates


| DE Offenburg

Vitamin-rich donation

The Markant Group's annual fruit and vegetable donation to Lebenshilfe Offenburg-Oberkirch e. V. and the Offenburg Business School has arrived:…

[Translate to Englisch:]

Product Tests

Jeden Tag 8 wheat rolls were given the overall rating "very good"

ÖKO-Test bought and tested 19 packs of baked bread rolls – Jeden Tag 8 wheat rolls

were given the overall rating "very good".


Product Tests

Jeden Tag panty liners were given the overall rating "good"

ÖKO-Test bought and tested 29 packs of panty liners – Jeden Tag panty liners normal were given the overall rating "good".


Product Tests

Jeden Tag vinegar cleaner was given the overall rating "good"

ÖKO-Test bought and tested 19 vinegar cleaners – Jeden Tag vinegar cleaner was given the overall rating "good".


[Translate to EN:] Markant StadtLesen 2022 in Offenburg


| DE Offenburg

StadtLesen in Offenburg and the Markant Group simply belong together

The popular open-air reading room was back at the Offenburg marketplace from 21 to 24 July! As the main sponsor of the event, Markant offered hundreds…

[Translate to EN:] Jeden Tag Fusilli

Product Tests

Jeden Tag fusilli received an overall ranking of "very good"

ÖKO-Test bought and tested 20 bags of durum wheat semolina fusilli – Jeden Tag fusilli received an overall ranking of "very good".

[Translate to EN:] Jeden Tag Tiefkühlerbsen

Product Tests

Jeden Tag frozen peas received an overall ranking of "very good"

ÖKO-Test bought and tested 21 bags of frozen peas – Jeden Tag frozen peas received an overall ranking of "very good".

John Grewe, Geschäftsführer Markant Deutschland GmbH, und Rainer Grießer, Bereichsleiter Arbeit bei der Lebenshilfe Offenburg-Oberkirch e.V.


| DE Offenburg

Plenty of vitamins for the winter

Markant Group donates fruit and vegetables to charitable organisation Lebenshilfe Offenburg-Oberkirch e.V. and Offenburg Business School

[Translate to EN:] Jeden Tag Backpapier-Zuschnitte

Product Tests

Jeden Tag standard baking papers ranked as "very good" by ÖKO-TEST

ÖKO-Test bought and tested 24 baking papers – Jeden Tag standard baking papers received an overall ranking of "very good".

[Translate to EN:] Jeden Tag Alaska-Seelachsfilets

Product Tests

Jeden Tag Alaska pollock fillet rated "very good" by ÖKO-TEST

ÖKO-TEST purchased and tested 15 Alaska pollocks – Jeden Tag natural Alaska pollock fillet was awarded the overall rating "very good".

Product Tests

Jeden Tag Asian-style stir-fried vegetable dish rated "good" by ÖKO-TEST

ÖKO-TEST bought and tested 19 frozen Asian-style stir-fried vegetable dishes – Jeden Tag Asian-style stir-fried vegetable dish was awarded the overall…

[Translate to EN:] Jeden Tag - Frische Eierspätzle

Product Tests

Jeden Tag fresh egg spätzle rated "good" by ÖKO-TEST

ÖKO-TEST purchased and tested 20 fresh spätzle from the chilled section – Jeden Tag fresh egg spätzle was awarded the overall rating "good".

[Translate to EN:] Jeden Tag Erdnüsse - geröstet und gesalzen

Product Tests

Jeden Tag peanuts rated "very good" by ÖKO-TEST

ÖKO-TEST purchased and tested 21 popular roasted and salted peanut brands – Jeden Tag roasted and salted peanuts were awarded the overall rating "very…

[Translate to EN:] Jeden Tag - Sonnenblumenöl

Product Tests

Jeden Tag pure sunflower oil rated "good" by ÖKO-TEST

ÖKO-TEST purchased and tested 21 sunflower oils, nine of which were refined and twelve cold-pressed – Jeden Tag pure sunflower oil was awarded the…

[Translate to EN:] La Ligne Handcreme Olive

Product Tests

La Ligne hand cream rated "very good" by ÖKO-TEST

For the 2021 Cosmetic Yearbook, ÖKO-TEST tested 43 products in a large hand cream test – La Ligne olive hand cream was awarded "very good".

[Translate to EN:] Jeden Tag Passierte Tomaten

Product Tests

Jeden Tag strained tomatoes rated "very good" by ÖKO-TEST

ÖKO-TEST tested 50 finely strained tomatoes – Jeden Tag strained tomatoes were subsequently awarded the overall rating "very good".

[Translate to EN:] La Ligne Zahnpasta

Product Tests

La Ligne Dent herbal toothpaste rated "good" by ÖKO-TEST

ÖKO-TEST purchased and tested 60 all-purpose toothpastes – La Ligne Dent herbal toothpaste was awarded the overall rating "good".

Gruop photo, Markant, Offenburg, CEO, Mayor Marco Steffens

Press releases

| DE Offenburg

International goods flow centre

Active in many countries – rooted in the region: Mayor visits Offenburg company "Markant"


| AT Vienna

Cooking for a good cause in Vienna

Several employees of Markant Österreich GmbH will swap their desks for an apron again on 19 September 2019 and will cater for fellow citizens in need…


| ES Valencia

Offenburg interns at Iberiana

A long tradition was continued again this year: two students from the Offenburg business school visited Iberiana Frucht S.A. in Valencia for two weeks…


| DE Offenburg

Presentation of donation to Kiju – Ortenauer Kinder- und Jugendhospizdienst

The Förderverein des Ortenauer Kinder- und Jugendhospizdienstes e. V. (Friends' Association of the Ortenau Hospice Service for Children and Youths)…


| DE Offenburg

Crowds flock to "StadtLesen"

A huge open-air reading room in the city centre: "StadtLesen" took place for the third time from 18 to 21 July under the patronage of Markant. This…


| DE Offenburg

Markant Group Supports "StadtLesen" Reading Festival Again in 2019

The StadtLesen campaign is back in Offenburg from 18 to 21 July. Visitors and Markant employees can browse through over 3,000 books to their heart's…



| ES Valencia

Iberiana Frucht S.A. – Fair conditions in the workplace

Consumer awareness of fair working conditions has increased. These working conditions also play a major role in the production process of fruit and…

[Translate to EN:] Vertragsunterzeichnung Kooperation Oken Markant


| DE Offenburg

Strengthening our school partnerships with Oken High School and Offenburg Business School

After successfully initiating our cooperation with Oken High School last year, it has now been officially finalised as of 8 April 2019.

For better readability, only the masculine form is used on the website. This form is explicitly understood to be gender-neutral.